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Charity Triviathon

The ultimate in trivia events, 24 hours non stop Can you Handle it?

We are going to fry your brains with the cream of the crop in Hosts, providing us with a variety of events all in the aid of raising money for Relay for life.

Relay for Life is a charity that works with American cancer society. Working together with the public to raise money for cancer research and develope new treatments to help cure millions of people across the world.

You can find out more at http://www.cancer.org/

This event is our first fundraiser, it will be a dress rehersal to prepare us for March when the 100's of teams across Sl compete to raise the Most money for the charity. Are aim this weekend is to raise L$20,000 and as i am writing this blog we have already raised L$1500.

Hosts are donating there time and money to bring you great trivia all day (literally) we Start 10am Saturday and finish 10 am Sunday .

All we ask is that you come down have some fun and donate as much or as little as you can to the huge thermometer on stage.

Team Smart ass Tshirts will also be on stage for sale at L$1 all proceeds to go to the charity.

We Hope to see many new faces and hope to get people who know nothing of trivia in SL hooked and coming back for more.

So can you last the full 24 Hours?

See you there 10am sharp Saturday 7th November


Many Thanx to Metal Shop and Monochrome for sponsoring events, and all of the Hosts for donating their time and money to this great cause. Special Thanx to Cully and traian who came up with this great Idea and helped put it together.


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